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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2

Welcome to Term 6

We have finally made it to term 6 and as usual we have a wonderful term ahead, full of lots of exciting trips, events and concerts! We hope you had a lovely rest over the May half term and are ready for our last term of learning.

Information on P.E

Due to sports day, inset day and SATs P.E will be changeable weeks 1-3. Please check this section of our website each week for the updated P.E days. 

Week 4-6

Sycamore - Friday

Maple - Monday 

Oak - Wednesday 

Rowan - Wednesday 

The first two weeks back, year 2s will be undergoing their SATs tests. We will be making this as easy and relaxed as possible and the children will look forward to a biscuit treat after each test! Coach Cam has been working hard getting our children ready for Sports day on 12th June and we look forward to seeing you join us. Year 2s are celebrating international week slightly later than the rest of the school but have a fun packed day on 13th to celebrate the end of SATs.

On 1st and 2nd July year 2 will be visiting Clevedon beach and pier as geographers, historians and artists! We will compare the modern day pier to the Victorian seaside, identify human and physical features of a beach as well as creating relief art in the style of Andy Goldsworthy. Throughout term 6 we will be learning about plants and life cycles. In DT we look forward to creating a winding mechanism linked to our lighthouse/seaside themed topics this term.

The year 2s had a chance to meet their new classes last term and had a year 3 assembly informing them about all the exciting things for next year. This term we will continue with a range of transition visits at Upton and with their new classes.

We look forward to our summer concert on 10th July; we will be working hard learning songs, jokes and poems to entertain you!

Please refer to our curriculum overview and termly newsletter for information about what we will be learning about in each subject and key dates. If you or anyone that you know has any skills linked to what we will be learning about this term, and you would be willing and able to come in and share them with the children, please let your child’s class teacher know as this can be a very enriching experience for the children and they absolutely love having visitors.

As always if you have any queries, please don't hesitate to get in touch with your child's class teacher. Email addresses can be found below and we will be available at the end of each day.

Year 2 teacher email addresses:

Maple Class

Miss Olivia Wiles –   

Oak Class

Miss Darsy Patel -  

Rowan Class

Miss Hannah Lambert -

Sycamore Class

Mrs Mollie Hann –  


Just a reminder that Year 2 classes will  exit at the end of the day through the following Year 1 classroom doors:

Oak - Apple class

Maple - Elm class

Rowan - Cherry class

Sycamore - Beech class


Library days:


Maple- Wednesday



Many thanks 

Year 2 Team