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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2

Welcome to Term 1

Welcome to Year 2! We hope you all had a wonderful summer and a well-deserved rest from all your hard work in Year 1. We are looking forward to welcoming you in to Year 2, getting to know you all better and introducing you to all the exciting and interesting topics we have planned for Term 1.

Information on P.E

Sycamore - Wednesday 

Oak - Thursday  

Rowan - Friday 

Maple - Alternate Mondays and Wednesdays - except the first week where there will be no PE, due to the INSET day, and the second week where they will have PE on both Monday and Wednesday, to make up for the lack of PE in the first week. 
PE will therefore be on Mondays (9th Sept, 16th Sept, 30th Sept, 14th Oct) and Wednesdays (11th Sept, 25th Sept, 9th Oct, 23rd Oct). 

We will spend the first week focusing on transitioning into Year 2 and reminding ourselves of our school values and routines. We will be recapping on the Zones of Regulation, having a week of ‘Inspirational Maths’ and sharing and recounting what we all got up to over the summer break.

In English and Maths this term, we will start by focusing on recapping and reminding ourselves of the key learning objectives that you worked so hard to achieve last year. We will then build on this by slowly introducing you to new concepts and skills we learn about in Year 2.

We have lots of exciting topics planned for Science and our Foundation subjects, including learning about Paul Klee in Art, which will result in us putting on an Art exhibition on 16th and 17th October which we would love to welcome you in to see.

Please refer to our curriculum overview and termly newsletter for information about what we will be learning about in each subject and key dates. If you or anyone that you know has any skills linked to what we will be learning about this term, and you would be willing and able to come in and share them with the children, please let your child’s class teacher know as this can be a very enriching experience for the children, and they absolutely love having visitors.

As always if you have any queries, please don't hesitate to get in touch with your child's class teacher. Email addresses can be found below, and we will be available at the end of each day.

Year 2 teacher email addresses:

Maple Class

Miss Alex Young (Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday morning) –  
Miss Sophie Challis (Wednesday afternoon, Thursday & Friday) -

Oak Class

Miss Darsy Patel -  

Rowan Class

Miss Hannah Lambert -

Sycamore Class

Mrs Mollie Hann –  


At the end of the day, the Year 2 classes will exit through the following Year 1 classroom doors:

Oak - Apple class

Maple - Beech class

Rowan - Cherry class

Sycamore - Elm class


Library days: 

Oak - Monday

Maple - Tuesday

Rowan - Tuesday

Sycamore - Monday


Spellings, Ebooks and Numbots

All the personal login details for Spelling Shed, Collins Ebooks and Numbots will be the same as the ones they had in Year 1. We will be sticking all the relevant login details for Year 2 in their new reading diaries so don't worry if you no longer have these login details. Spellings and access to the ebooks will start in week 2.


Many thanks 

Year 2 Team