Unplanned Absence
If your child is absent from school due to illness or for any other unplanned reason, please report this using Studybugs.
Planned Absence
A leave of absence form must be completed if you are requesting to take your child(ren) out of school during term time. Leave of absence will be granted in exceptional circumstances only. We will assess each request on an individual basis, considering any special circumstances of which you make us aware. Please complete the below form in advance of the planned absence. Forms must be completed at least 10 days in advance of the planned absence.
Persistent Absence
Persistent absence is when a child's attendance at school falls below 90%. We have a duty to ensure that children are attending school regularly and to support families with improving attendance. We do this through weekly tracking of all children's attendance. When attendance starts to become a concern we will notify you by text, letter or in some cases invite you in for a meeting to discuss. Whilst we understand that there are genuine reasons why a child might not be in school, it is important that we work together to ensure that children are not missing learning time.