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This term, PE will be: Hockey and swimming

Swimming will start on Monday 9th September. There will be 10 sessions with the final session being on Monday 18th November. Children will need to come to school dressed in their swim gear under their school uniform. They will need to bring a swimming bag with a towel, pants, goggles and a snack in it. 

The first week of the term is Week 1 (w/b 4th November )

 Week 1

 4C – Friday 

 4MH – Friday

 4W– Friday 

 4A – Wednesday


 Week 2

 4C - Friday

 4MH – Friday

 4W – Friday

4A – Friday

Please ensure children wear a suitable PE kit ready for outdoor use on their PE days. This should consist of trainers, black joggers, shorts or leggings, and a blue or white plain T-shirt and sweatshirt (no brand logos). No jewellery is to be worn due to safety reasons. Thank you!